
26, August 2024 - 12, September 2024 (see calendar for other dates)
Open from 5.00pm - 6.30pm

General Admission See on official website

Our parade gets bigger and more fabulous every year but we still want every group to convey some message that addresses the realities of LGBTQ people. There are an infinite number of possible messages so participants’ creativity is key. To ensure your group is the best it can be it is recommended to start preparing early. A good show does not have to cost much, what is most important is imagination and getting help from friends and family.

The set-up for the parade is at Tækniskólinn next to Hallgrímskirkja church. The parade marches down Skólavörðustígur, Bankastræti, Lækjargata, and Fríkirkjuvegur where the parade concludes. The participants will continue to Sóleyjargata and into Hljómskálagarður where the Reykjavik Pride Closing Ceremony will take place.

Register you or your group:

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