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  • The Icelandic Crime Wave | Live Audiobook - Crime Stories on Halloween

The Icelandic Crime Wave | Live Audiobook - Crime Stories on Halloween

Úlfarsbraut 122, 113 Reykjavík

Borgarbókasafnið Úlfarsárdal
01, September 2024 - 05, January 2025 (see calendar for other dates)
Open from 12.00pm - 12.30pm

Website https://borgarbokasafn.is/vidburdir/bokmenntir/glaepafar-islandi-lifandi-hljodbok-glaepasogur-hrekkjavoku
General Admission See on official website

Live Audiobook - Crime Stories on Halloween
Actress and entertainer Birna Pétursdóttir, along with actor and mischief poet Vilhjálmur B. Bragason, will read excerpts from their favourite crime novels. Additionally, Vilhjálmur will perform sound effects and tones on the library's new grand piano.
The event is a part of the program The Icelandic Crime Wave (Glæpafár á Íslandi) on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Icelandic Crime Syndicate.

The project The Icelandic Crime Wave is funded by Rannís Library Fund.

Further information:
ulfarsa@borgarbokasafn.is | 411 6270

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