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  • Open Workshop | The Art of Origami

Open Workshop | The Art of Origami

Kollagrund 2, 116 Reykjavík

Borgarbókasafnið Klébergi
01, September 2024 - 05, January 2025 (see calendar for other dates)
Open from 12.00pm - 12.30pm

Website https://borgarbokasafn.is/vidburdir/born/opin-smidja-listin-ad-brjota-origami
General Admission See on official website

Welcome to an open workshop where participants will work with the Japanese art of paper folding, Origami. T

he goal of Origami is to create a sculpture from a flat sheet of paper by folding it. In Origami, the paper is neither cut nor glued.

We will reuse various types of paper, and all materials will be provided, but everyone is welcome to bring paper from home.

Everyone is welcome, no registration is required, and people can come and go at any time while the workshop is open.

Further information:
kleberg@borgarbokasafn.is | 411 6275

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