Hallgrímskirkja lid up at a Winter Lights Festival

Winter Lights Festival

February 6th - 9th 2025

The annual Winter Lights Festival will be held on February 6th-9th, taking place all over Reykjavík. This festival of light and darkness consists of three main pillars: Museum Night, Pool Night and Light Art, with over 150 events where artists create a unique atmosphere in the city.

The Winter Lights Festival is an annual event that stimulates city life in midwinter. The Festival celebrates both the winter world and the growing light after a long period of darkness. The program is a mixture of art and industry, environment and history, and sports and culture. The festival provides entertainment for Reykjavík’s locals and guests alike. 

Winter Lights Festival is an event to be enjoyed by all and all events are free of charge.  The program reflects the many faces of Reykjavík. Together with all the major museums and thermal pools in the Reykjavík capital area.. There will also be a beautiful light installation that brightens up the city.


Check out the Winter Lights Festival Website for scheduled events!

Museums in Reykjavík
National Gallery of Iceland
Listasafn Íslands - National Art Gallery of Iceland

The National Gallery of Iceland is a national museum and the main emphasis of the collection is on 20th and 21st century Icelandic art, but international art is featured as well. The museum owns the most valuable collection of works by Icelandic artists in the country.

Gerðarsafn- Kópavogur Art Museum
Gerðarsafn art museum on the outside

Gerðarsafn is a progressive museum with an emphasis on modern and contemporary art, located in the heart of Kópavogur. Gerðarsafn offers temporary exhibitions with works by Icelandic and international contemporary artists as well as displaying the museum collection. 

Reykjavík Art Museum Kjarvalsstaðir

Kjarvalsstaðir houses the works of one of Iceland’s most influential and recognised artists, Jóhannes S. Kjarval. The exhibitions at Kjarvalsstaðir focus primarily on paintings and sculptures of the established masters of modern art.

Reykjavík Art Museum Hafnarhús
Reykjavík Art museum Hafnarhús outside

The old harbour warehouse, Hafnarhús, offers a progressive exhibition program with local and international contemporary artists. The works of key figures, as well as established and emerging current artists are presented in six galleries.

National Museum
The National Museum on the outside

The National Museum displays objects that provide insight into Icelandic cultural history - displays that encourage visitors to dwell on the past, present and future. The museum aims to nurture knowledge and innovation while maintaining a wide perspective and sense of community.

The Museum of Design and Applied Art
The Design museum on the outside

The founding charter of the Museum of Design and Applied Art states that the Museum is to collect and preserve the part of Icelandic cultural history encompassing design, especially from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. 

Hafnarborg Center of Culture and Fine Arts Museum
Hafnarborg building outside

Central to Hafnarfjörður's arts scene is Hafnarborg − The Hafnarfjörður Centre of Culture and Fine Art. The museum has two exhibition galleries, a restaurant and a small museum shop.

Listasafn Einars Jónssonar

Listasafn Einars Jónssonar var fyrsta listasafnsbyggingin sem reist var hér á landi  og markaði bygging þess upphaf byggðar á Skólavörðuholti í Reykjavík.

Listasafn Sigurjóns Ólafssonar

Listasafn Sigurjóns Ólafssonar hýsir höggmyndir og teikningar eftir Sigurjón Ólafsson myndhöggvara ásamt heimildum um listamanninn og er miðstöð rannsókna á list hans.
