

Grandagarður 21, Reykjavík 101, 5868088

Opening Hours:
Mon - Wed: 3.00pm - 11.00pm
Thu - Fri: 11.30am - 11.00pm
Sat - Sun: 12.00pm - 11.00pm


Valdís is a very popular ice cream parlor in Reykjavík. Originally, Valdís started out having very basic flavours but they quickly realised that Icelanders are very adventurous when it comes to ice cream flavours. Valdís starting asking customers what flavours customers would like to see. The most popular flavours are ones that where suggestions from customers, for example Tyrkisk Peber and salted peanut and caramel. The last five years Valdís has tried making over 400 flavours and there are still new flavours coming out. Some of the more adventurous flavours we have tried out are: Beer ice-cream, rye bread ice-cream, lavender ice-cream, bacon ice-cream and curry ice-cream with coconut and chilli. It is worth mentioning that these flavours are not available every day but it is possible to order 5 liters of any flavour. Usually we have a selection of sorbets that are vegan. Mostly we have fruit sorbets, because that is what the customers want. Every now and then we change things up a bit and try flavours with coconut- or almond milk. Then we will for example make Oreo, coconut or chocolate vegan ice-cream.
