

Grundarstígur 10, Reykjavík 101, 5111904

Opening Hours:
Tue - Sun: 11.30am - 5.00pm

Website: http://www.hannesarholt.is

HANNESARHOLT was opened to the public in February 2013, after the project of restoring and recreating was complete. A restaurant and cafe are operated on the first floor, and our chefs prepare breakfast or brunch, fresh fish, vegetables, and meat for lunch, and our condition fills the house with the tempting aroma of fresh-baked delicacies. Facilities are rented out for private parties, meetings, courses, lectures, chamber music, and other small gatherings on the second-and-third floor of the building, as well as in the new assembly hall in the back yard, Hljóðberg. Hljóðberg is an exquisite music venue, adorned with one of the best Steinway 211 Grand pianos in the country, and a painting by the artist Eggert Pétursson. A guest apartment is located next door, provided to artists performing at the center, or rented out to visitors.
