The Fishmarket
Aðalstræti 12, Reykjavík 101, 578 8877
Opening Hours:
Mon - Sun: 5.30pm - 11.00pm
Website: www.fiskmarkadurinn.is
Email: info@fiskmarkadurinn.is
The Fishmarket was founded in August 2007, by Hrefna Sætran master chef and Ágúst Reynisson master waiter. Efforts are made to offer guests high-quality products made from fresh Icelandic ingredients, mixed with a dynamic and warm atmosphere, as the Fish Market has enjoyed great popularity since its opening. The trends and currents in cooking are well followed and we have never really been better than right now!
Whether you want to have a drink with friends, enjoy dinner with the family or have lunch for a short business meeting - we welcome you.
ATT. We are also open during lunch from 11:30-14:00 during weekdays