Your Friend in Reykjavík
Opening Hours:
Mon - Sun: 8.00am - 11.00pm
Website: www.yourfriendinreykjavik.com/
Email: yfir@yourfriendinreykjavik.com
Your Friend in Reykjavík offers tours designed to show the best of Reykjavík and to teach you about Iceland through exciting stories. Your Friend in Reykjavík wants you to enjoy Icelandic hospitality at its finest, but most importantly, to have fun!
Your Friend in Reykjavík guides are expert locals so they truly know the heart of Reykjavik. Being raised in Iceland makes a difference as they know firsthand their customs and cuisine.
They know how to entertain as well as educate as hundreds of 5-star reviews can confirm. With a passion for the Icelandic country, its history, food, beer, and mythology, they try to make sure you will love Iceland like they do.
You are also in safe hands with Your Friend in Reykjavík as all of them are official tour guides with years of experience guiding in Iceland.
Nearly all of Your Friend in Reykjavík guides are members of the Icelandic Tourist Guide Association, which is granted only to those who have passed a comprehensive one-year training program, approved by the Icelandic Ministry of Education.