Unnurs China Museum
Opening Hours:
Sat - Sun: 2.00pm - 4.00pm
Website: www.kinaklubbur.weebly.com/
Email: kinaklubbur@simnet.is
The museum is located at Njálsgata 33b, but it was opened in 2015. It contains centuries-old Chinese objects, made of various materials, e.g. ceramics, bronze, brass, ivory, wood, porcelain, and silk. Visitors to the museum are also welcome to view the living rooms of Unnar's home, which is at Njálsgata 33, but they are in Chinese style, all furniture and objects are Chinese.
There is good access to the museum, wheelchair users can drive directly from the sidewalk, into the exhibition hall.
The museum is open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays, from 14.00-16.00, but everyone from the age of 12 is welcome, the entrance fee is ISK 1000.-. You can also order special exhibitions, individuals and groups are welcome there.