Reykjavík Dance Festival
||| RDF ||| believes in getting people together in shared situations that cast us – through dance, dancing, and choreography – toward the world we live in.
along the way – we give priority to those local and slightly–less local artists that are working with dance, dancing, and choreography in the ways we find most challenging.
supporting them to make and share their work – here and abroad. not just once, but time and time again, over time.
in this, ||| RDF ||| takes the long view.
supporting those artists through both residency and presentation opportunities.
currently, ||| RDF ||| is Iceland's only international festival for dance, dancing, and choreography.
our ever-growing community of audience is tremendously important too. both those here in Iceland – but also the increasing number of those that are travelling from further afield to be with us.
each year ||| RDF ||| delivers an international and local multiple-format programme.
For more information check out RDF website