New Museum Opens Its Doors
The City's oldest house has become a part of Reykjavík City Museum. With two exhibitions on display, the museum is dedicated to Reykjavík in the 18th and early 19th century.
The City's oldest house has become a part of Reykjavík City Museum. With two exhibitions on display, the museum is dedicated to Reykjavík in the 18th and early 19th century.
This Saturday, Reykjavík City Museum will open up a new "branch." It's located in the city's oldest house, in Aðalstræti 10 to be precise, built in 1762.
This new museum has two exhibitions on display. On the ground floor, Iceland's sovereignty is celebrated in a show titled "Reykjavík 1918". The exhibition on the second-floor focuses on Reykjavík as the town of turf houses in 18th and early 19th century. Also, to be found in the house, is Reykjavík City Museum's gift shop, with a wide selection of specially made gift items.
Writer Sjón, author of "The Blue Fox," is responsible for the exhibition's educational text. There are many interesting photographs are on display that give an interesting insight into "Old Iceland." The museum is established in cooperation with The National Museum of Iceland.