Hallgrímskirkja Church Tower
The Evangelical-Lutheran church Hallgrimskirkja is a living and thriving church in the center of Reykjavík. Hallgrímskirkja is both a national monument, dedicated to the most renowned sacred poet of Iceland, Hallgrímur Pétursson, and a mid-town parish church with a vibrant parochial life and musical activity. Hallgrímskirkja is the largest church in Iceland and towers over the centre of Reykjavík. It also houses the largest organ in the country.
The tower is 73 meters high. It provides a panoramic view of Reykjavík, the surrounding mountains and the ocean stretching west to Greenland and the Americas. The tower is among the most visited tourist destinations in Reykjavík. The church was built between 1945 and 1986, and the parish is part of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Iceland.
Opening hours in the Tower: 10:00 - 16:30 (last entrance to tower)
Mass, service, prayer and meditation
Sundays: 11:00 - 12:15. Service/mass. The tower is closed from 10:30-12:15.
Service in English on the last Sunday of every month. 14:00 - 15:00. Tower is open.
Mondays: 12:00 - 12:15. Prayer in the chapel. The tower is open.
Wednesdays: 10:00 - 10:45. Morning service/mass. The tower is open.
Thursdays: 12 - 12: 30. Meditation and organ music from September - May. The tower is open.
Last Thursday every month from September - April - Evening church 2023-'24: 20:00 - 22: 00. Tower is closed.
Organ concerts at noon first Saturday of every month from September to June. Tickets are sold in the church shop and on www.tix.is Tower is closed.
Tower tickets: Tickets are available in the church shop located to the left as you enter the foyer.
The tower ticket is valid for one visit on the day of purchase.
Adults: 1400 ISK
Children: 7-16 : 200 ISK
Discount price for seniors (67+), disabled (disability card) and students (valid student
card): 1000 ISK
Discount of 10% for groups of 10 people or more if paid together.
School groups of students 16 and younger are free and accompanying adults and students over 16 get a 10% discount.
School groups of students 17 and older get a 10% discount as do accompanying adults.
Prebooking for tower visits is not possible.
Accepted currency:
Coins in foreign currency are not accepted.
Change is only given in Icelandic króna.
Most credit and debet cards are accepted (except for American Express and Discover).