Austurvöllur Christmas market
Kvosin in Reykjavík dresses in festive costumes in December. Jólakvosin is a Christmas market that opens in the heart of Kvosinn which is located by the ice skating rink at Ingólfstorg and runs from 2 to 3 December, 9 - 10 December, 16 - 17 Dec and 21 - 23 December.
There will be a variety of stalls with delicious delicacies, sweets, Christmas cookies, and products, as well as various other fun things that will put everyone in a good Christmas mood. At the Christmas market, smaller events will then also be held, which will be advertised later on the Christmas market's Facebook page.
Opening hours:
Nov 30th - Dec 1st: 1 - 8 pm
Dec 7th - 8th: 1 - 8 pm
Dec 14th - 15th: 1 - 8 pm
Dec 19th - 20th: 4 - 8 pm
Dec 21st - 22nd: 12 - 9 pm
Dec 23rd: 2 - 11 pm