
The National Theater

Hverfisgata 19, Reykjavík 101, 551 1200

Website: https://leikhusid.is/

A vibrant theatre in the historical center of Reykjavík
The National Theatre of Iceland is a vibrant and dynamic theatre, that has been a leading institution on the Icelandic theatre scene ever since it opened formally in 1950. The NTI works with outstanding theatre artists from Iceland and abroad, and receives around 100.000 spectators each season.

The National Theatre of Iceland is a leading theatre institution in Iceland and has won several theatre awards, home and abroad.
One of the theatre’s main obligations is to arouse the general public’s interest in the theatre and other arts of the stage and promote their development. The theatre’s main purpose is the staging of Icelandic and foreign plays, with emphasis on the development of Icelandic writing for the theatre. Performances are in Icelandic.

ATT. The opening hours are for the ticket office
