Ásgarðslaug pool
Vífilsstaðavegur, Garðabær 210, 550 2300
Opening Hours:
Mon - Fri: 6.30am - 10.00pm
Sat - Sun: 8.00am - 6.00pm
Website: https://www.gardabaer.is/ibuar/ithrotta-og-tomstundastarf/sundlaugar/asgardslaug/
Email: gardabaer@gardabaer.is
Ásgarðslaug is an outdoor swimming pool with hot tubs and a childrens pool. A small water slider is in the childrens pool.
The pool was recently renovated with new outdoor showers and hot tubs. There is also now a cold tub.
There is also an elevator for people using wheelchairs to get into the pool.