Opera Gala with Olafur Kjartan
Austurbakki 2, 101 Reykjavík
Harpa tónlistar- og ráðstefnuhús
03, April 2025 - 04, April 2025
(see calendar for other dates)
Open from 7.30pm - 9.30pm
General Admission See on official website
Ólafur Kjartan Sigurðarson, Artist in Residence with the Iceland Symphony Orchestra in the current season, has been scaling the heights of the opera world in recent years, with no end in sight. In recent seasons, Ólafur has appeared in leading roles on the biggest stages of the opera world; at La Scala Opera House in Milan and at the Wagner Festival in Bayreuth, Germany.
Here, Ólafur Kjartan invites you to a truly grand soirée — this is an opera gala of the highest caliber, where distinguished guests, the singers Kristín Anna Guðmundsdóttir, Gunnar Björn Jónsson and Kristín Sveinsdóttir, take on various roles and perform alongside Ólafur and the Iceland Symphony Orchestra. Conducting the performance is Bjarni Frímann Bjarnason.
This concert is filled with passionate arias and glorious duets from the greatest operatic gems, such as those by Verdi, Puccini, Giordano and Bizet — a must for those who love beautiful singing and operatic music.
Opera arias and overtures
Bjarni Frímann Bjarnason
Ólafur Kjartan Sigurðarson
Gunnar Björn Jónsson
Kristín Anna Guðmundsdóttir
Kristín Sveinsdóttir
Langholtskirkja Choir
Choir conductor
Magnús Ragnarsson