While in battle I'm free, never free to rest

In an urban enclave, two different groups from different cultural backgrounds converge – street dancers and contemporary dancers. Each group embodies its unique rhythm and expression. Their encounter is marked by curiosity and a shared passion for movement. They tentatively approach one another, crossing borders with gestures, body language and styles. The meeting point becomes a sacred space where individuality is celebrated, and differences are embraced. This experience is novel for all dancers, pushing boundaries and expanding horizons.

jewellery:object – Midday Tour for DesignMarch

Friday April 26th at 12 p.m., we invite you to a midday tour of the exhibition jewellery:object with curator Brynhildur Pálsdóttir and designers Anna María Pitt, Ágústa Arnardóttir, James Merry and Katla Karlsdóttir.

Anna María, Ágústa, James and Katla are among the participants of the exhibition, which presents pieces made by a group of nine goldsmiths, jewellers and artists focused on personal adornment, reflecting the varied approaches, techniques and topics of modern jewellery-making in Iceland.

Phonemes – “I Believe in a Better World”

Sunday April 28th at 8 p.m., pianist Mathias Halvorsen and composer Gunnar Gunnsteinsson will perform at this year’s spring concert in Hafnarborg’s concert series Phonemes. The programme will feature selections from A Janitor’s Manifesto by Gunnar, as well as works by Richard Wagner and Johann Sebastian Bach, reworked by Mathias Halvorsen.

Tickets are sold in Hafnarborg: general admittance is 2,500 ISK and ticket price is 1,500 ISK for senior citizens and students.


Tumi Magnússon’s video work Loop brings together all the different working methods that the artist has adopted over time, in his paintings and photographs from the 1990s as well as video works from the last 20 years. He joins different things together, pulls them apart, turns situations upside down, changes speed and equates something tiny with something huge. He considers how long it takes to go from one place to another and the speed required to reach the destination.

Language Flowers - data art

This winter, Reykjavík City started a project to transform services for multilingual children in Reykjavík. The main goal of the project is to support multilingual children and their families and promote Icelandic language skills. An extensive user consultation took place in the project, where a number of children, families, teachers and other stakeholders were interviewed.

What is your dream school like? - Workshop for 1-7 grade children

"What is your dream school like? Do you have any ideas about what elementary schools might be like in the future? What is your best way to learn and play? What kind of furniture would you choose if it was up to you?" Participation is free of charge, and all children in 1-7 classes in elementary school are welcome. The workshop takes place in the museum house called Lækjargata.

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